I don't have too much to share lately, so I'm combining a couple of weekends in this
post. Last Saturday Carol & I had a very nice morning, but all I really had to show for my efforts were these fish plates. They are excellent fish plates, though. They were $2 each. I'm trying to decide whether to use them or hang them up.
Carol is out of town, so I was on my own yesterday. I found a beautiful jewelry box with lots of nice, movable compartments and not one, but two keys. At the same house I also got a brand new dark taupe bed skirt for my bed...no photo since that's really sort of boring. It's already on my bed, having replaced the lighter one with Roxanne residue all over it. Yeah...it needed replacing.
Then I went and visited my jewelry-selling friend again. This time I stayed and chatted with her a while. Her name is Michelle. She's one of nine siblings who evidently live nearby. Between her and her brothers and sisters, they always have goodies to sell. Sometimes I
see her out "sailing", too, and I'll say, "Hi! Look! I'm wearing your earrings!" Nice lady with tons of pretty jewelry. I bought these turquoise scarab, semi-Egyptian-looking things for $5 each.
I like them!
This last item isn't a sailing find, but it's so cute that I have to share it with somebody. School started on Thursday, September 1. I had 28 students on my roster, 29 actually showed up, and by Friday I was up to 30. I have 15 boys and 15 girls: perfect. On Friday morning one of my new students walked in and handed me this little package, hand-colored and wrapped in the inimitable style of an 8-year-old girl. Inside: a pink, plastic Hello Kitty wallet. Priceless. The year is off to a pretty good start.