Saturday, January 15, 2011

Warm Wind

We're having a Santa Ana this morning: nice, warm, dry wind.
It's a beautiful day. But, being January, still not very many sales.
I did manage to pick up some very nice things, though.
We are hard on things like kitchen utensils and tupperware-type-goodies. We tend to melt them or lose their lids. So I'm always on the lookout for any kind of kitchen goodies that look in better shape than the ones we're currently using. Found a few of those kind of things. Five items for a dollar. You can afford to melt them.

I also found that the resident jewelry lady was out this morning. Emily & I have bought things from her before. I'm not sure where she gets all this stuff, but she always has a really nice selection, and it's always changing. I chose a pair of tiny little turquoise and sterling studs, a new pair of moonstone & sterling drops, and an old pair of dangly silver & onyx earrings. They all need a better cleaning than I've given them this afternoon, but I'm sure they'll shine up nicely. The earrings and a silver chain cost me $25.

My only other purchase this morning is this lovely little wooden Buddha for $1. Very nice.
Now I'm off to work in the yard while the weather's nice!


  1. Sounds like Jackie pricing! That Buddha is very cute for a dollar.

  2. I covet that Buddha. A buck! We are looking for a nice Buddha for our yard.
