Sunday, April 3, 2011

Malicious Skippers

There was not much activity this weekend, so this will be a short post. Carol did find a pretty good bike for $10. Her sweetie, Al, has started repairing bikes to donate to children. Here's the $10 find (complete with bell!) and the repairman himself in his shop.

I found another good hat. (Summer's coming). Several boxes of thank-you cards. The woman said, "No one writes any more." And a bunch of books. This woman was clearly searching for something: she had books on every major religion, poetry anthologies, essays, and books of prayers. I was inspired to do a small bit of searching myself. So these are what I bought. However, the only one I've even spent any time at all with is the National Audobon Society Field Guide to North American Butterflies. (Look! They're $19.95 new!) I thought I already had every field guide they've ever produced, but no! Here's what I've learned so far: there is an entire class of butterflies called Fritillaries. There are Coppers, Blues, Elfins, Sulphurs, and Hairstreaks. Aren't they great names? And then there are the Skippers, including the Malicious Skipper which frankly, sounds a little oxymoronic to me. There's nothing terribly malicious in the description.

Anyway...I spent a total of $6. Now I'm going to put on my hat and go outside to read.


  1. That bike looks pretty nice for $10. Nice tires.

  2. Also, how many of those straw hats do you really need? "Malicious Skippers" sounds like something out of Harry Potter.

  3. I also need a new straw hat. Mine is all lopsided. A malicious skipper sounds like someone who goes into a restaurant, orders/eats the most expensive thing on the menu, and then leaves without paying the check!

    P.S. Good verification word. Dogis.

  4. Why is it always straw hats? Why not straw pants or a straw tie or maybe even a straw sweater-vest? Straw briefs? It all seems so unfair.
