Saturday, May 28, 2011

Say Cheese and Die

These Saturday mornings are so much fun for Carol & me. We visit. We wander around gazing at gardens and finding ideas for plants and front porches. We wax rhapsodic over tiny little cottages and rail against the icky McMansions popping up in our neighborhood. (Although Emily has told me that I have to stop that. She says I have no business complaining about big houses.) Most days the garage sailing is incidental. So when we find great stuff like we did today, it's really just icing on the cake.

You may recall past blogs about "The Jewelry Lady". We found her again today. I can't resist this woman's stash of stuff. The interesting thing about her is that she's never in the same place twice. We can't figure that time I see her I'm going to just ask. In any case, today I bought these three pairs of earrings and a little sterling seahorse for $23. Aren't they pretty? The little glass ones are something called "Rainbow Fluorite" which sounds oddly like a toothpaste brand. Possible gifties all.

Another pretty little picture frame, and a cute green vase: $1 each.

An iron plant stand for $5, and really, it's not every day you come across a boingy little pelican made out of steel drums. $1. The people who sold me these two items had a whole island theme going on. Three-fourths of their stuff was studded with seashells. They had a giant pile of stuffed flamingos, and pillows with palm trees all over them. I almost bought (I kid you not) an old paint-by-number flamingo scene. Very kitschy. But it was $30, so I restrained myself.

Last but not least: more Goosebump books for my classroom. Look closely and you can see the "cheesy" titles. The one pictured has my favorite cover. My boys love this stuff. R.L. Stine must be in touch with his inner eight-year-old. We should all be so lucky.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my, I love that pelican. He would look nice on my porch with my bobbing floppingmingo. Hint, hint!

    And yeah, everyone waxes rhapsodic about little cottages until you tell them you have one full bath (might as well say, I have an outhouse) and tiny closets. But I love my tiny little bungalow.
